Thursday, September 22, 2011


OK I am going to try to catch up here in hopes that it will help with the baby book I am making for Mr. W.

So March was a crazy month. A few days before we blessed W we figured out that he had acid reflux aka colic. It was a pretty hard month, he started taking medicine for it which helped a little but most nights Win was up crying inconsolably until about 2 or 3 in the morning. Just about every night he slept with me on the couch since poor Mike had to go to school and we tried to let him get some sleep. We did however manage to take our first road trip! We went to Kennewick, my sister Bobbie was up for her spring break and Mike happened to be on spring break too so we spent some time at my parents house. It was so nice to be with my sisters and see my family. Mike also interviewed for a summer job at the Yakima City Attorneys office which he got!

Here are some of the firsts that occurred in March:

First bath
First time getting a pop with mom
First trip to Nana and Papi's house
First Sunday at all 3 hours of church

Meeting and loving Aunt Bobbie

Being Nakey

We saw all too much of this face :/

Hanging out with Daddy

Loving our favorite Nana!

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