Friday, December 10, 2010

Baby Shower!

So last Friday night some of my great friends, Jen, Katie and Bonita put together a baby shower for me! It was so much fun! Jen did an AMAZING job with the games and treats! I seriously was thinking to myself, oh I know of 5 people that are coming for sure so that will be good but we had a great turn out! I have some pretty wonderful friends here of which I am very thankful for! We played Family Feud: Baby Edition which was so much fun! Jen even actually surveyed people! I got a lot of stuff I need for Winston so it was great and my mom even came from Kennewick. I am seriously very blessed to have such amazing friends and family!

Go Ducks!

The Competition was Fierce

Delicious treats! Mini Brownies and Cheesecake, mmmmm!

31 weeks down!

1 comment:

Bailey said...

So fun! You are adorable pregnant, almost makes me want to be pregnant again...Almost. Miss you, and congrats!